Friday 23 August 2013

Randoms in Mixed Accommodation

I love one day to have my own apartment but right now my money goes on my brother, then my mum. OMG I bought him a tiny thobe the other day and told him to wear it on Fridays. He will look so cute in it!!! I can't wait to see him again. So, until I get my own yard I live in mixed accommodation with randoms. I don't mind it and it's never dullard. But atm we have got the weirdest house ever!!!

This bloke moves in downstairs. He's about 50, bit of a stoop, hyperactive and weird. Not weird with some originality, not creepy weird because he seems rli sweet, but just, talks-to-himself-out-loud, weird and, random noises, weird and, a bit obsessive, weird. What is more weird is that the other people who live in the house have checked themselves since hearing him and so they went completely silent when using the communal areas in the house, including me!!! Too funny.

Sometimes you don't even notice what you do that's weird until you hear it or see it in other people, then you're like DAM STOP already, lulz.

The other residents are equally extreme. There's the 5XL, 40 something lady, who lives next door to me. She is a major control freik and laughs even when there's nothing funny to laugh at. There's the bloke upstairs who is clumsy and uncoordinated, he's a proper aerosol and me and him argue so much but he always starts with me, never the other way round and I only respond because after about 15 seconds he runs out of witty things to say and I don't, which makes him total vexed. Idiot.

There's the Czech man who lives upstairs about 50 who sounds like a German and snores OMG BARE loud, the other guy upstairs is about 25 and he's like a girl, and he exaggerates so much about everything. Apparently he's got every rare condition there is. Then there is another actual girl downstairs near me and no one ever sees her hardly at all. She's oriental and rli sweet but total shy.

Then there's me ^_______________^ Nothing to see here, move along, ha!

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