Thursday 16 July 2015

Whistleblowing for Dummies

Did you ever whistle blow anyone to protect a more vulnerable person? I had to over this last six months and omg the system nor anyone in the system is on your side.

Naively, you think management is going to be thankful that you rooted out a waster for them. Nope. They're pissed at you because they spent months training that person and that person picks up a ton of hours when work is short-staffed.

You think your collegues have got your back because you get along well with them but they all wig out thinking if they speak up they will piss off the manager with consequences!

You don't realise the manager is going to do their best to down play the whole thing, then single you out as trouble for them, mess with your hours and your working conditions until you butt heads with them and get a disciplinary yourself because you called them a retarded liar or was it a lying dog, I can't remember but they didn't appreciate it.

Then you expect to present your appeal evidence to head office - Manager's Error That Caused This Situation/Mitigating Circumstances - and for them to be balanced and unbiased haha...

omg, luckily the person I blew my whistle on got scared and left to go work in another non caring industry. Good job really. I'm just stuck with six months of 'Appropriate Behaviour When Addressing a Manager' until the warning is off my record.

Yeah thanks!

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