Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Never Eat Off The Trolley

This lady at work died over night. I'm glad I wasn't on last night because I think it might have mattered to me too much. I used to buy her Refreshers - pack of 4 in Aldi - because she used to have them way back when. But they made her cough so much even though I used to crush them up with a couple spoons into the smallest powder I could. She just loved the sweet taste on her tongue as the sweet taste areas in the mouth are the last remaining. That's why the homes put so much salt and sugar in the prepd meals because the residents ability to taste stuff fails progressively and that's why you should never eat off the trolley if you work in a care home. Maxd out with sugar and salt.

Death is a wierd thing. I have noticed that the majority Muslim countries are much more prepd for it than we are here in the UK. We always imagine it to be way way far someday in the future and hardly ever discuss it without idiotic humour but Muslims speak about it rli seriously and imagine it's going to be any day when Allah, subhana wa ta 3la determines. I like this about my new religion.

Anyways she's dead now, this lady, no kids, no family alive, no one visited her, no personal items in her room, nothing. Idk if Muslims are allowed to go to Christian funerals but I want to go just to make someone count for her.